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Игра: 7th Guest
Тип документа : FAQ Всего страниц : 24 Текущая : 9

release is v1.31, which is supplied, along with new VESA
drivers and the Miles sound drivers, on a T7G Disk Two v2.0b
beta-release CD-ROM (also contains the T7GFIX3.ZIP files
plus a CD-Audio player).

Page 4

T7G TECHNICAL FAQ Gerard J. Pinzone
Version 1.17 - November 29, 1994 INTERNET: gpinzone@ic.sunysb.edu

No ideas on how to obtain the new player otherwise - appar-
ently it fixes the S3 1% of optimum performance in install
and only requires 400k of RAM. I got my disk from Virgin
Interactive (Europe) through the post as a registered cus-
tomer with 'deepest apologies' from Trilobyte and Virgin for
the year's delay in the update CD-ROM. The 2.0beta disk
replaces disk 2 of the original set (minus audio sound-

BTW, if you have a Trident video card and you have mouse trouble with
the microscope puzzle, you have a bad VESA driver; use UNIVBE50.ZIP.
If you have a Diamond Viper, you need the 1.24 fix and at least
version 1.02 of VPRMODE (just type VPRMODE VESA) from Diamond. XGA
and XGA-2 do not work! Virgin has NO plans for supporting it in the
future. My only possible recommendation is try BOTH 1.24 and 1.30
only if a new VESA driver happens to come out, otherwise you are out
of luck! Thanks to: nbond@rockdal.aud.alcatel.com, if you have a
Diamond Stealth 24 ISA card will run VERY slowly in the SVGA mode.
... Далее >>

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