finance a wave of terrorism across the Balkans. One of the intended targets:
the heir to the Austrian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand - his murder might
have started a war. We were lucky, we got peace instead." "Vlad left the
Titanic with the Rubaiyat. The money garnered from the sale would finance
the violent assassination of Archduke Ferdinand at Sarajevo in 1914. The
World War followed."
Obtained painting: Failed to obtain painting:
"As for the painting, it left with me. The plans proved useless. In the
month following the sinking, the War Office scrapped the proposed
deployments in a cost-cutting measure. But the canvas - as the only artifact
saved from the Titanic, the painting became famous, along with its creator,
a rather excitable Austrian named... Adolf Hitler, who makes a lucrative
career to this day peddling overpriced Alpine vistas to the carriage trade."
"As for the painting, it went down with the ship. Fortunately, Shailagh and
the baby survived."
Obtained notebook: Failed to obtain notebook:
"I left the ship with Willie's notebook. Eventually, it found its way to the
Russians. The czar's secret police were grateful, and the names Stalin,
Lenin and Trotsky vanished from history. The Communist revolution aborted."
"I never retrieved Willie's notebook. The Germans' support of the Russian
revolutionaries continued."
Optimum Ending
Obtained Rubaiyat
Obtained painting
Obtained notebook
"I didn't really realize it then, but that night thirty years ago was one of
history's most crucial. Though the Titanic carried 1500 to their death, a
peaceful world would be their epitaph. Our mission was a success. With no
wars or bloody revolutions to derail us, prosperity and progress has flowed
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