more attention to her (e.g., leave so you can nose around his cabin).
Move F3 and zoom in on the darkroom table. At center left, pick up the film
development instructions, thoughtfully provided by the White Star Line on
their official paper. Move R2 F2 L back to the doorway and turn off the
cabin lights. In the dark, move L F2 and click on the table. Immediately to
the left of where you found the development instructions, click on the
darkroom lamp. Open each film cartridge and develop the film inside per the
instructions above (pan 1 refers to the start bath, pan 2 the stop bath),
Left Picture Barbicon with "Lamke & Buechner" packing case
Center Picture Barbicon and Zeitel
Right Picture Willi von Haderlitz and Claris Limehouse
Drag the photos to your bag of inventory.
Jump to the Second-Class stairs on F Deck, then move O F3 L O to Pringle's
cabin (F-34). Tell her you haven't found the Rubaiyat yet, but show her the
photographs you took from Burns' cabin. Exhaust the rest of the dialog with
her, then ask what to do next. She'll suggest you concentrate on finding the
painting by getting a look at the purser's cargo manifest.
Jump to the Grand Staircase on C Deck, then move R F O F O to talk to the
purser. Ask him about Mr. Thayer, then offer to help.
Jump to the Grand Staircase on the Boat Deck, then move L F R F2 L O F L O F
R3 F2 R2 O F into the Wireless Room. Click on the table and look at the
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