automatic and you end up in your own apartment.
LOOK at the two trophies on the bookshelf. Note the date (1952).
PICK UP the letter opener from the table and USE it on the mail
package. PICK UP the small metal key that falls out. [Note: save
the game now in case you need to read the letter again later.] LOOK
at the letter from Allen. This completes Chapter 1.
Note the sequence of instructions from Allen. You won't be able to
find the decoder now. You have to come back later. After reading
the letter EXIT the apartment.
Enter the research building and go through the open door into your
office. OPEN the door of the cage and PICK UP the rat. EXIT the
office now and go TALK to Darlene Flitch. The first conversation is
useless, so TALK again until she tells you she hates rats. Go back
to the door of your office (don't go in). SELECT the rat and place
it on the floor. End of Ms. Flitch.
Go to the key cabinet behind her desk and OPEN it. PICK UP the
middle key on the lower row. Walk back past her desk to the outside
doors. OPEN the doors and go to her car (the middle one). USE the
keys on the trunk and PICK UP the bolt cutter and crowbar. Return
to the building.
LOOK at the key cabinet again and PICK UP the key to the display
case. Now OPEN the door to Allen's office. OPEN the book and LOOK
at it. USE the cabinet key to unlock the cabinet and PICK UP the
audio tape. USE the display case key to open the display case and
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