
Ой!Так, так, что у нас тут новенького?Ляляля ляляля ..
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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Amazon - The Guardians of Eden
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 17 Текущая : 9

the left side of the hotel and USE the ladder against the hotel
wall. CLIMB up it and USE the small pole on the sign above the
hotel door. This brings it crashing down on El Loco's head. CLIMB
down the ladder again and the peasant boy gives you a gold nugget.

Don't hurry to Maya in the canoe just yet. First go across to the
trading post. USE the money from the wallet to PICK UP several
items you will need downriver - the paddle, the poison root, the
fishing net, the extra ammunition, and the machete. EXIT and SAVE
the game. Now go and CLIMB into the canoe with Maya. The next
sequence is automatic and brilliant. End of chapter 6.

As soon as you can, SAVE the game. This is another timed sequence
and time is very short. It is also the first time you get to choose
between playing Jason and playing Maya. You do this by clicking on
the picture (at the top of the screen) of the character you want to
activate. As the chapter opens, you are playing Jason. Stick with
Jason for now.

Quickly - walk to the sheet of corrugated metal and MOVE it. Then
walk to the log and MOVE it too. Go immediately to Allen and SELECT
the extra ammunition from inventory, giving it to him. You may need
to save the game frequently here after each completed action. Now
walk to the hanging vine and PICK it UP.

Switch to Maya (the bridge is too fragile for Maya and needs
repairing). She walks to the break in the centre of the bridge. USE
the vine here. Maya can then cross to the other side. Switch back
to Jason and walk him over the bridge too. Here, alas, Allen
... Далее >>

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