Don't worry. BOB's a pushover. Turn around and walk out of the
vault and back to the guardhouse. The bear is gone, the lovers are
still making out. Walk back to the garbage can and PICK it UP. Go
back into the vault. Goodbye BOB.
Now MOVE the lever and open the doors to the vault. USE the crowbar
to open the bottom right drawer. PICK UP the map, compass and
microfilm. There's nothing else for you here, so walk out again,
through the guardhouse, past the tree stump and back into the
research building.
The library is now open. TALK to the librarian (you get nowhere the
first time) and keep talking until she tells you she only leaves
her post if the lights of her car are left on. Walk back along the
corridor toward the outside doors. Go to the coat rack outside your
office. PICK UP the coathanger by itself over to the right. Go to
the parking lot and USE the coathanger on the librarian's car. Once
inside, MOVE the light switch on the dash. Walk back into the
building and TALK to the librarian again and tell her the car
lights are on. This gets you into the microfilm machine. SELECT the
microfilm from inventory and place it in the reader. MOVE the
arrows to see all the message, then EXIT. Go back to the parking
lot, SELECT your own car keys and USE them to get into your car.
Your apartment has been ransacked. But the audio tape player is
still working. SELECT the audio tape from inventory and USE it on
the player. This gives you a scrap of paper (in inventory) with the
combination of the wall safe in Allen's lab. [Note: SAVE the game
now. You may need to go back and re-run the next step later.] Now
PICK UP the decoder which is winking at you from the upturned
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