Go around behind church corner to Farm. Use cloth with resin cup. use
sticky cloth with bucket. Use bucket with cow to get milk. Return to cat
and use milk on cat. Pick of cat. Use cat on broken window in church.
(automatic scene) Use ladder.
Inside Church
Take urn with ashes. Unbolt door. Take bolt. Look at confessional booth.
"use" confessional booth. Use bolt on booth to pry it away from wall.
Enter secret passage.
Notice rat that's lurking under stairway, near iron bars.
Walk into the archeological dig "tunnel". Look at hieroglyphics on wall.
Use urn/ashes on hieroglyphics (you may have to use a paper first). Look
at sculpted picture of Stonehenge. Look at sculpted head, like Easter
Island. Look at alcove ..see bones, take medallion.
Exit. Exit church (automatic scene of weather). return inside church and
pick up "strange object" from window rubble.
Exit to map.
Map should now have Eastern Island and Stonehenge on it. But go back to
your editor and give him the ash rubbings. He'll recognize dialect and
talk about Prince from Algiers. (puts it on map).
Exit and go to Algier Desert.
Desert Fort
Talk to woman outside tent. Go to other, larger tent. Try talking to him
(get kicked out). Go to fort. Talk to guard. Talk to prisoner. In this
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