Get completed picture from painter. Take this fake treasure map back to
Tobias at his shack.
Easter Island
Give fake treasure map to Tobias (automatic scene). Enter hut. Take
chrome paint can and car jack and shard of glass that's in broken window
over washing machine. Leave hut and use gas burner on balloon to deflate
it. Go to bat cave.
Enter bat cave (now lit by lighthouse). See graffiti, fountain and stone
head carved in cave. Notice small hole inside mouth of head.
Use rubber tube with fountain, to divert stream of water, and enter
secret passage. Pick up ancient parchment, use car jack with tombstone.
Take medallion.
Return to head statues and talk to digging Tobias. Exit to map and go to
Return to the inner cave and use Magnetium object (from Stonehenge
underground) on hole in mechanism. Doesn't power up. Holy man should
tell you about sacred gem that was stolen, again.
Go to Village
Use telescope lens on rusty hole in jeep to start burn-through to tire.
Go around to square and start to play game with crook. (automatic
scene). Take mother-of-pearl snuff box under middle cup -- you can't
take the wooden boxes under other cups. With box in inventory, use lev.
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