and use combo (462) to open. Just set each number by using dials. Take
Go talk to guard. this conversation "gives" the guard the rifle (you
can't do it directly). Then give him silencer. Then talk to him about
plot and then show him contract. You get key to free Prince (automatic
scene). You get magic words of Open Sesame.
Return to cave. and tell him sacred command. Go to inner cave and hear
bout myth of gods fallen from sky. Notice mechanism, compartment and
hole. Exit and return to map. Go to Stonehenge.
Go to construction yard (worker shack). Use drive belt (from jeep) with
worker. (automatic scene) Once he's on the phone, you can click anytime,
while he's talking, which "releases" you to leave shack. You lever on
tractor to lift stone. Enter underground room.
Take strange green object off pedestal and take thin bronze tube and
take cracked crystal from center altar . You can now combine tube with
cartridge case to create a make-shift blow pipe. Return to yard and then
to map. Go to Easter Island
Easter Island
Go to lighthouse and enter. Use flares (from jeep) in lamp holder. Turn
handle to shine light on cave. -- but now air balloon block light from
reaching cave. Exit back to map and go to Carib Island.
Carib Island
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