that fall from it and move it onto the raft.
Dive, cut the last line, U, throw away the stone. Off you fly!
Use U and D keys to move the raft in the air. You got to catch the
wind that will move you L.
When you encounter 2 strange creatures with wings and axes use sword
to kill them.
Proceed left as high as possible. When you see the big statue, jump
there. L, talk to the wounded guard, take the key. Return to the
raft, lead it D, jump and use key to open the town gate.
L, U, run pas the big egg. Use the lever to open the grate, jump
L, climb U and return to the egg from other side. Push the egg off
the ledge. D, close grate, L, U, L.
Shoot the eggs up there - they make a strong crust on lava. Step
on it and go L.
U, L, U, L. Kill the guard with your sword. L, dive, swim L and use
lever to shut down the fountain. Now return R and jump over the
inactive fountain. U, U, L.
Pull lever. L and D the hatch. Pull lever on the L and walk R, then
D. Get one screen R and kill the guard. Pull lever, R, U and you
should soon meet your gal. Return R, D, L, U and all the way to the
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