Shoot the dino, then *immediately* jump U the platform (where
your sexy friend stands). The tentacle creature captures the
dinosaur. Drop down the platform from the left side and shoot the dino
again. R to the next screen.
Shoot the pterodactyle. The sleeping dino finishes him and gets out.
U, U, pick up the crystal - it powers up the teleport. D, D, use
crystal on teleport (dragon's hand).
Inside the caves - U, L, D. Step on the smaller platform to rise up
the bigger one. Shoot the slime when it hangs down from the ceiling,
then run and jump to the other side. (If you drop into water swim
D, L, U and use the teleporter to get to the beginning of the level.)
R, hang down the hole in the floor carefully. Don't fall down, you
got to drop down on to the upper platform, not the lowest one. Shoot
green slime, jump R.
Kill giang insect (this place's gotta be called Tchernobyl :)), U,
U, R.
R, U, jump on the left platform. Shoot slime, U, R, U, U, R.
Use teleporter.
Back in the jungle tack to the girl and ask her to hang on the lian.
Then use lian too. After the touchy dialogue walk over the bridge.
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