down there, it should stop the lowest mechanism. U, L.
D, kill the gorilla guy. Pull lever. D. Pull lever - the crocodiles
go for a walk. Wait until all of them are out, then D. Shoot one
crocodile, R, R. You should see a row of unworking forcefields, 2 dead
crocodiles and also a dead serpenthead archer. U, R.
U, R, U. Ignore the lever and go U thru the hatch. L and D.
Pull the lever to stop the mechanisms. U, R, D the hatch, pull the
lever now. Then U and L again, start the machine and then stop it
again. U, R. The hatch is now closed and you may pass L.
Proceed U, L, U, R, U until you find an open hatch. Jump R and roll
thru the small passage, pull lever, roll back. Climb U the hatch.
U, R, thru the inactive forcefield, and soon you should find a way back to
the surface. Thru the passage, one screen L, then U and again R into
the upper passage.
R, R thru the 2 inactive forcefields. Kill the gorilla, R. Climb U
and then immediately jump D to fool the 2 gorilla archers. Proceed
R and climb U fast before the archers return. Exit R.
Over the pit and to the entry. Run and jump R - you must break down
thru the right part of the bridge. Climb U thru the hole in the bridge,
Here are the maean axemen - you can't kill them, you can only stun them
for a short amount of time. When they fall down roll ahead immediately
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