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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Egypt Kids
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 15 Текущая : 2

Nдy's father has some but he'll only give it to you if you help him to sort out his merchandise. Click on the scales in front of the merchant's store to help him in his task. If you succeed he will give you some gum. Take it to Hippo and he will tell you what he knows.

Hippo tells you that Naя went to Sobekhotep's house and has not been seen since. Sobekhotep, the slave trader, is standing in the street in front of his house. He is feared by everyone and will not give you a warm greeting.

The slave trader is angrily berating the fact that the jeweller still hasn't brought the pectoral (breastplate) he ordered.

To get rid of Sobekhotep, so you can get into his house, you'll need to give him a pectoral. Hippo has one, but if you want him to hand it over, you'll have to play a game with him first. If you win, he'll give you a pectoral.

Sobekhotep's house

When you have won the pectoral, give it to Sobekhotep. He will then leave. Go into the courtyard of his house. You see a door and a terrace above. The downstairs door is locked.

You notice some holes in the wall, leading up to the terrace. Go and collect some bricks from a pile next to Meniou, in front of the tavern. Come back to the courtyard and place the bricks in the holes.

You just made some steps! Click on the arrow that appears to climb up to the terrace (Click on the bricks).The door on the terrace is also closed but if you look carefully, you'll find a key on the floor.

Go back and see Hippo. He'll tell you the key belongs to Naя. It opens the temple attic, in the wheat loft courtyard. Hippo gives you a map of the city to help you find your way there

The grain store yard

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