Enter Sobekhotep's house and approach the fresco in the background to hear Naя.
Use the map to get to the House of Life and find Two Sides. Tickle him to enter his world and learn the secret of the fresco.
Play with Two Sides, who teaches you how to reconstruct frescos.
Return to Sobekhotep's house and pick up the 4 pieces of fresco there, then reconstruct the fresco.
Enter the secret room and speak with Naя to learn about the existence of an accomplice and the tomb-raiding. Naя urges you to go and see the scribe in order to meet with the governor.
Find the scribe in the House of Life, and do the workshop with him in order to learn Egyptian writing.
Go to see the governor in his palace, but your way is barred by the old scribe.
Tell the old scribe about Sobekhotep.
Re-enter the bedroom.
Aim > To free Naя and find the ghost
The return of the mummy
Hippo has told you that the mummy is back. You must return to Egypt to discover the truth.
Speak with Meniou, who tells you that she has also seen the mummy return and that its daytime hiding-place must be found.
You must seek news of Naя. Unfortunately, you discover that she is no longer at Sobekhotep's. Speak to Column about it and also tell him of the mummy; he will advise you to go and see his cousin Miaow.
Explanations at last!
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