Click on the pot, and you will find a key, use the key on the door, and click on it.
The cafe Speak with the men, you will recognize him, (bs1 same place) then ask the waiter twice for coffee, then speak with him. At the end Andre will arrive; speak with him and afterward he will leave.
You will see a small movie of Nicole.
The Gliase Gallery Speak to Mr. Gliase, then to Laine (notice the glass in his hand) look in the rear of the shop, to the packing case.
Now return to the cafe and ask the gendarme if he misses his work, when he closes his eyes catch the flask from his table.
Return to the gallery and use the flask on Laine's glass 2 times.
He will fall down, go to the rear and examine the packing case and take the label.
Marselle docks Outside the docks Go to the window and talk to the watchman, then go down the steps, catch the hook in the water and use it on the bottle.
Up the steps,click on the chimney, then use the bottle on the chimney, click again on the chimney and use the bottle again on it, the room will be full ... Далее >>