Right-click on the television then on the lava lamp and on the wall picture, then speak with General Grasiento, at the end the Presidente (Grasiento's Mother) will enter.
Back to George.
After Duane tries to blow the wall speak to Miguel and ask him for the rope.
Use the rope on the cell window, then give the rope edge and give it to Duane.
Then look at the video.
The Tree House Take the Vine from the washing machine.
Use the bank statement on the leaves, then the small statue on the water wheel.
Speak with Father Hubert.
Use the vine on the press on your left, then the collar on the press, and at last the cross on the press.
Then give back the collar to Hubert.
The village Speak with the guard, then give him the biscuits for the shaman.
When he returns, use the box of biscuits with the black obsidian stone, and ... Далее >>