Go Down the ladder and use the fish on the inner tube.
Get the red ball.
Up ladder again and get the inner tube again.
Use the inner tube on the tree, then the red ball on the inner tube.
Wait for Bronson to go up the ladder, then close it.
Get the marker, the go down the steps take the plans and the theodolite.
Up steps and give the plans to the old ladies.
London Nico▓s turn in London
Speak with the man, then look into the cabinet, then again to the man.
He will present you Prof.Oubier, after a small chat with him you will find out that the jaguar stone has been stolen. Take the small key in the cabinet where the jaguar stone was and use it on the cabinet near the telephone, get the obsidian dagger.
Speak to the man and Give him the key, then click on the curtain and use the dagger on the door..
Caribi (second part) Into the museum click on the sea chest. ... Далее >>