At Isle
1. Take and read magazine.
2. Stand up. Walk to left scene. Look. Play ball. After a
while the ball will drop into the sea, and the girl will go
after it. When the girl shout for help, walk to water to
save girl. Perform the CPR procedure:
a. shake and shout
b. call for help
c. establish airway
d. look listen and feel
e. give 2 good breath
f. look listen and feel
g. check pulse
h. begin compression
i. check pulse
3. Walk right. Wear shirt. Walk to top scene to reach hotel.
Open door. Look girl. Talk girl. Get key. Look sign. Note
down the telephone no.
4. Walk to right door. Walk to girl at bottom right hand
corner. Look girl. Talk girl. Buy girl drink. Dance with
girl. When you have dance enough- type 'stop'. Talk girl.
Sit. Talk girl. When asked, say yes. Follow girl to her hut.
Kiss. Say yes. When inside hut, sit down beside girl. Talk.
She will tell you that she have lost an earring. Kiss and
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