
Ой!Так, так, что у нас тут новенького?Ляляля ляляля ..
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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Ultima VII - The Black Gate (ENG) DOX3
Тип документа : Docs Всего страниц : 15 Текущая : 13

you solve a quest or slay a monster, each member of your party gains
experience points. After earning the required number of points, a character's
level increases.
Training points are accrued with experience points. To increase strength,
dexterity, intelligence, combat or magic, you must find a trainer who teaches
expertise in that specific attribute. If you pay the trainer's fee and 'trade
in' training points (representing your study and practice with the trainer),
the attribute you are concentrating on increases.


In the lower left corner of each character's Inventory Display is an icon
representing the attack mode for that character when he is in combat. The
following attack modes are available:

Icon | Avatar | Other Members | Attack Mode | Description
* * * | Yes | No | Manual | You may direct each
? ? | | | | combat action.
O | | | |
o | Yes | Yes | Attack Weakest |The Character will attack
^ | | | |the weakest opponent.
O | | | |
* | Yes | Yes |Attack Strongest|The Character will attack
^ | | | |the strongest opponent.
O | | | |
... Далее >>

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