again on the chair or the sails, respectively.
While in combat mode, double-left-clicking the cursor on another person who
is not in your party or on an object initiates an attack on that person or
object. If you are in combat mode, and in any attack mode other than Manual
Mode (see Combat) you automatically attack any nearby hostile foes.
Key Function
<C> Turns combat mode on ond off
<I> Opens up the Inventory Display of each party member beginning with
the Avatar
<Z> Opens up the Statistics Display for each party member beginning with
the Avatar
<S> Opens up the Save/Load Window.
<R> Turns all audio effects on ond off.
<U> Displays a scroll showing the version number of your copy of Ultima
<ALT><X> Exits Ultima VII and returns to DOS.
<H> Changes the handedness of the mouse by swapping the functions of the
left and right mouse buttons. The left button is now used to move
around and the right button to manipulate obects. This H toggle
affects only the mouse not keyboord commands.
<Esc> Closes Save/Load window if it is open If Save/Load is not open
closes all open displays and windows
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