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Игра: Pizza Tycoon (eng)
Тип документа : Docs Всего страниц : 11 Текущая : 2

* * * *
| |..01 Introduction.......................................................| |
* ╧ ╧ *

First there was Railroad Tycoon, then Transport Tycoon, and now there is
Pizza Tycoon. And it's fuckin' difficult.

* * * *
| |..02 The Installation...................................................| |
* ╧ ╧ *

No difficult installation with this one, just unzip the 2 files too your HD
and run Install.exe. The game needs about 6.3 meg hd space.

* * * *
| |..03 General Impressions................................................| |
* ╧ ╧ *

The Sound : During the installation you have to select a soundcard,
although you almost don't here any sound in the game.
No music is provided, only some sound effects which sound
pretty nice.

Graphics : Transport tycoon had nice graphics, this game hasn't.
But that's not so important for this kind of game, because
it doesn't look at all like transport or railroad tycoon.

Speed : A 386 will do for this game, because there aren't that
much complicated things to do for the computer.
... Далее >>

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