people live in that area. this is important as you go
make your pizza's, because children like other pizza's
then grown up people. Here you can also see the type of
zone (Business or children) and the avarage income people
Property Info - How many rooms are for sale or for rent in that area.
Economy - See how the economy is, like inflation and more..
Customer taste - Important if you go make your pizza's
Trends - See what pizza ingredients are IN or OUT.
Pizza charts - Which pizza's are most popular
Market share - How many % of the pizza market do you own.
I'm not going to explain all of these options, they all look the same. You
can see how much profit you made, how the sales were etc..
This option is very important here you van phone some important people like:
Real estate agent - here you can buy or rent a room for your pizzaria.
Bank - Get a loan for if you want to buy a room
Insurance - Get an insurance like fire, burglary etc..
Authorities - Phone the president if he wants to visit you pizzaria, so
your pizzaria gets more stars.
Other - Phone the mafia, for buying weapons, rats or smelly
cheese to boycot your rivals.
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