Free Mode -> do whatever you want to do
Mission Mode -> You get a specific mission what to do in the game
Quickstart -> Start a game fast.
When choosing one of the above options you must select a character.
Watch out at this point!
You can choose a character that has lots of cash, but maybe his popularity
isn't that good. So choose someone who has quite a lot of cash but also has
a good popularity. Or use a trainer.
At this point you can also change your characters name, and on the right you
can select a name for your pizzeria, or make your own name.
When you have selected a good character you must select a city. You can only
choose city's in west europe or in the east of the USA. When you have done
this the actually game begins.
Now you get a map of the city, with on top of it 4 options, in the right a
black field with some info, and 9 icons.
Lets start at the top of the screen with the 4 options you can choose.
The first one is PLAYER.
By selecting this one you get a list of all your rivals and yourself, by
clicking on one of your rivals you know where his pizzeria is.
Next one is RANGE.
Here you can see how big your range is to your clients, by making more
advertisements, your range will grow and more people will hear about your
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