Q: I need help at the Old Nugget!
A: Get the scraper and envelopes from the trunk of the unmarked car.
Walk to the vehicle in front of the Old Nugget. Click the eye icon
on the left rear side of the car. Plant the tracking device on the
car. Click the scraper on the car to get a paint sample. Enter the
saloon. When a second pool player enters, click the eye icon, then
select your gun from inventory. When the suspect flees, follow him
in your car using the tracker.
Q: What should I do at the car crash?
A: Open the car trunk and get the flares. Put the flares on the freeway.
Look at the overturned vehicle. Take the keys from the ignition. Open
the trunk of the suspect vehicle and note how many cocaine packets
there are. Click the hand icon on the cocaine packets. After the coroner
arrives, return to the station.
Q: I've returned to the station. What do I do now?
A: While Officer Morales is booking evidence go to the homicide office.
Use your copy of Morales' key to get into her desk. Look in her drawer
and note her locker combination. Close and lock her drawer. Take the
elevator to the garage and book your evidence in the evidence booking
room under either case 199145 or 199144.
Q: I'm with Marie at the hospital again. What should I do?
A: Kiss her. Return home.
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