unmarked car. When the fire chief gives his okay, enter the house.
Pick up the photograph laying on the floor partially covered with
debris. Look at the photo and note the following: a) The address partially
covered by one of the subjects. b) The "palm" tree (street name).
c) The subject in uniform. Enter the altar room. Use the scraper and
envelope to get a sample of blood and hair. Return to your car and
drive to the mall.
Q: I'm at the mall and I don't know what to do!
A: Enter the Army recruiting office. Wait until the recruiter finishes
his spiel then show your wallet to him. Show him the photo of Michael
and Jessie Bains. After the recruiter prints out the file remove it
from the printer and read it. Return to the car and drive to the police
Q: I've returned to the station. What do I do?
A: Talk to the psychologist. Show him Michael Bains' military record.
After hearing Michael Bains' psychological profile return to the unmarked
Q: I'm at the crack house but I can't get them to cooperate.
A: You will need a search warrant.
Q: How do I get a search warrant?
A: Talk to the court reporter. Take the news clipping out of your
inventory and show it to the court reporter. Talk to the judge. Show
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