- - Day Six - -
Q: What should I do at the beginning of Day Six?
A: Go to the Homicide office and talk to the Captain. Take the elevator
to the first floor and walk into the men's locker room. Create a diversion
by putting a roll of toilet paper in the toilet. When you see water
running onto the floor walk out of the locker room. Talk to the janitor.
While he's busy in the men's locker room go into the women's locker
room. Find and open Officer Morales' locker. Click your notebook on
her locker and return to the Homicide office. Talk to the captain
about your discovery. Proceed to the coroner's office.
Q: What do I at the coroner's office?
A: Read the tags on the bodies. When the coroner arrives he will
give you a news clipping. Take note of Rocklin's last known address.
Get the manilla envelope and open it.Go back to your car. After you
receive the call, respond to the hospital.
Q: What should I do at the hospital?
A: Give the locket from the coroner's office to Marie. Leave the
hospital and get back in your car. After receiving the call, respond
to the address given to you by dispatch.
Q: What am I supposed to do at the burning house?
A: Get the scraper and some envelopes from the trunk of the your
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