Merchant blows up...look for the cargo of books and tractor beam them
on board. There again are two waves and the first ship you target on
is coming after you. Get the ones that are going after the Merchant
Q. Is the any money cheat for this game?
A: Yes, it involves using a debug command to get into the program to make
changes. This cheat was originally given to me by Toby Hauzeneder.
Begin a new game and buy some stuff to get a certain amount of
credits (e.g.: 1596 cr) (2000 is too usual)
Now save the game and go into debug and transform the number into
hexidecimal. (e.g. 1596 = 06 3c)
Flip the hex number (e.g.: 06 3c = 3c 06)
Search your savefile for this string (e.g.: 3c 06) and overwrite it
but don't write more than (ff 7f). Just write (ff 50) and it will
be plenty
The commands to use are:
1. debug privateer
2. D (to display the hexidecimals)
3. E (to edit)
4. W (to overwrite)
5. Q (to quit)
The following is a listing and my opinion of difficulty level of plot missions
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