plot/story is the basic premise...you can venture out on your own and
do whatever you like. You can even take a break from the "grind" of
the plot missions and do your own thing. Just be sure you finish a
plot mission objective (the on-board computer will show dull red when
checking missions while flying) before branching off.
Q. What is the best ship to fly and how should I arm it?
A: This really is entirely up to you. A good thing to keep in mind.. you
get what you pay for. Some guns have a better kill potential than
others but they take much more energy to fire. Different types of
missiles are used for different fight tactics. If you like to keep on
the enemies back then heat-seekers are for you. I you like to run
right at them then either friend or foes (FF) or Photon torpedoes would
fit the bill. If you like to dogfight and fly around a lot in tight
corners, then maybe the Image Recognition (IR) is for you. Whatever
you choose to do is entirely up to you. Some ships carry more cargo
space than others while some much faster than others. My personal
favorite is the CENTURION with all IR's and Tacheyons in front and
back. The Repair Driod is a must for any well equipped ship.
Q. Are there any add-on games for Privateer?
A. Yes. The only add-on (currently) is called Righteous Fire. You fly
in the same Gemini Sector with better up-grade capabilities and a
different plot line. Author's opinion...you liked Privateer?? get
Righteous Fire and get the feeling of immortality!!
Q. I have the green gun..... now what?
A: The most asked question by a big margin. You obtain the green gun
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