A: The game itself is designed to be difficult in the beginning. The one
thing this does accomplish is get you used to the controls. :-) This
may sound trival but what you learn early in the game sets you up for
the type of Privateer you are. Patience is a virtue. In the beginning
it is a good idea to check the mission computer for missions that
involve either going to or staying in the same area. For instance,
if the are two "patrol" missions in the Troy system, take them both,
that way you get two for the price of one. I highly suggest upgrading
your ship before you begin to jump around the systems. The Taurus is
not a great ship to run with/defend with/fight with. It does give you
a great feel for what lies ahead. Spend your money wisely, wait until
you can buy the entire Gemini map (not one at a time), join the two
Guilds (mercenary and merchant), upgrade sheilds and engines, get
better guns (lasers are weak), ...it's a jungle out there, prepare your
ship before you venture into the great wide open and don't forget, save
your game often!!!
Q. Is there a cheat for this game?
A: Yes, there are a few, see below under hints/cheats/strategies
Q. I have flown a mission and failed, now I can't seem to get back on the plo
do I have to start over?
A: Maybe. If you have a game saved before your mishap, just go back to
that saved game and press on. If you do not have a saved game you're
going to have to start over. Lesson to be learned here is ALWAYS have
a saved game as a back-up. (i.e. save often!) If you fail on the plot
missions you need to do it until you succeed. If you are flying a
"cargo" mission you must not land at any other base than where the
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