money from him; also try to open bank account.
Now ride back to monastery and buy tobacco light
from French soldier. Now back to BTS and use
trolley - you can drive to following locations:
waterfall, Indian village, Fort and a cemetary.
When you have visited one of these locations you
can get there clicking on the 'map' icon at the
bottom of the screen and choosing a location to
go to. Drive to cemetary. Pick up a rope. Talk
to parrot. Give biscuits to parrot and pick
parrot up after you do. Use pickaxe (to assemble
it just use pick on picket at your inventory) on
the plot of land - the one which is the 'most
fertile' when you examine it. Look furrows. Now
leave and drive to Indian village. Pick up knife.
Enter the closest tent via rip on its side. Pick
up bottles (you get a magic cloud). Pick up
candle. Exit tent. Talk to apache near totem pole.
Talk to apache, guarding meeting in the leftmost
tent - he will ask you to bring him an item. Now
drive to 'Forest' location on map - there pick
up fabric, hanging on tree (twice). Use knife on
the gum on other tree. Enter cabin. Pick up the
fishing rod. Talk with Tom about whisky ingredi-
ents. Exit cabin. Use fishing rod with river to
get a horn. Drive to Fort Apache now. Talk with
engine driver. Enter fort. Talk to Lieutinant.
Open kitchen door. Open cupboard, pick up tabasco.
Open a trap door on the roof. Use fishing rod on
trap door to fetch some dynamite. Talk to look-out
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