guard to learn which musical instrument needs to
be played in order to lower the flag (answer:bugle).
So use horn and pick up lowered flag. Now look at
the window in the center of the fort and talk to
Colonel Leconte. Next time you look in window give
him a flag. Exit fort. Now drive to Indian village.
Give chewing gum to the apache, guarding meeting.
Go inside. Agree to smoke a pipe of peace. When
it will be your turn just use tobacco light with
pipe. After scene enter other tent - the one you
wasn't before (in the distance). Look into the
basket and pick up a box of matches. Return to
tent where you have smoken a pipe of peace and
look into cauldron - you will get barley seeds.
Now go back to fort and enter colonel's room.
Move barrel to kick it to your trolley. Pick up
french uniform and a sponge. Use sponge on alarm
above door to the left. Go to fort's jail and
talk with sleepy jailer. Exit jail and enter a
laundry which is run by a Chinese. Talk with him
and give him french uniform for cleaning. Pick
up a bowl of rice here and reenter laundry to
collect clean uniform. Examine uniform to find
a key in pocket. Go to colonel's room and unlock
door with a key you have found. Examine safe. Go
to kitchen and use logs on oven, matches on oven,
coffee maker on hotplate and finally pick up the
coffee maker. Use rice on empty bowl on another
hotplate. Now head to monastery and use coffee
maker on sleeping Mexican. You need to call him
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