BTS and open station door and try to enter. Now
close/open/close etc door about 10 times (I know
its ridiculous but it freaking works...) keeping
the door closed at the end. Next go to signal and
move handle. If you did all correctly stationmaster
will die, if not, then try again a trick with door.
Enter station and pick up a book from shelves. Look
at it. Use equipment. Exit door. After movie go to
the fort. Talk with warden about prisoners' malnut-
rition and he'll ask you about food. Now go to kit-
chen and use bottle of tabasco on bowl with rice.
Exit kitchen and use triangle (just above the door
of kitchen). This should trick the warden. Now go
and unlock jail door with jail key. Talk to Bull
about stethoscopes and he'll tell you he could try
unlocking the safe. Now go to the patio and talk
to soldiers. This should help Bull to sneak into
the room. Now go to colonel's door and go to safe.
After movie go to saloon and talk with Anselmo
and Leconte. Tell them general's plan for attack.
Tell Anselmo about hidden cave in waterfall and
give uniform to Leconte. Now go to the hideout
and go to the tower to talk to general. Tell him
you have 1nd and 2nd tasks he gave you and then
go downstairs and just 'use fabric' to complete
3rd task. Now go back to general and tell him you
have done everything. After movie click 'open
door' in the distance. Once inside, open 1st door
on your left and enter. Use wheel. Pick up a ball
from John Nodoffsky's leg. Go back to general and
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