through the balcony, and out the door of the room next door. If you decided to keep your weapons then be careful not to go through metal detectors. Go to the guy at the front desk. Talk to him. He will give you Wuff's letters. Read the letters. Now you know that you are suppose to kill the dentist too because he has the bomb. Also Florist has a package for you. It is a shotgun in a flower box. As I said before, you don't need to use any weapons other than fibre wire. So it is an option. But the way Hitman opens the flower box and the roses fell down is really cool. It is like in the movies. Go upstairs to the dentist's office and find out where Mr. Fuchs is. Go and kill him. There are two places that he can be.
Thermal Bath The easiest and most subtle way was to wait until he was in the thermal bath. Wait for him to leave the bath and go into the east sauna. If you talk to him in there you will see he has a heart problem. Leave and turn the valve outside of the sauna {budapest3}. He will die of a heart attack. Take his key.
Restaurant If he is in the restaurant, wait for him to go to the bathroom. Kill him there and take his key. Go to the 3rd floor. You will see double doors with a green exit sign on it. That door leads to the roof. Go into the window on the northwest side of the roof {budapest4}. Sneak and strangle the guard here. Open the double doors. There is a guard here but if you walk in sneak mode he won't see you. Walk into the x-ray room and put the bomb into the case. Run out the window and go into hotel. Go left then right, ... Далее >>