door {hongkong3}. The door right in front of you leads to the storage room (one possible safe location). You might need to go there later so don't forget where it was. Talk with the "fat guy" (on the right, guarding double doors). Enter and follow the stairs. Talk with the old woman. Follow Lei Ling to her room. Talk with her and follow her again. After you save her, she will give you the safe combination and a kiss. Go to the kitchen. Use the stairs to go down to the basement. Find the CIA guy. Use the MAP 0 to locate him. Green circle is you and the red dot is where CIA guy is located. The yellow dot is a guard. He patrols in that area so kill him before you save the CIA guy {hongkong4}. After you killed him silently, kill the guard in front of the door, which leads to CIA guy. He will tell you the safe location. There are four different possible safe locations. Its location changes in every game so leason the CIA guy very carefully. If you try to open the wrong safe the alarm will go off and you're dead.
1. Storage Room See the {hongkong3}. The single door you see goes to the storage room. There is one guard standing next to the safe. 2. Brothel Go to the brothel (where you met Lei Ling). Open the single door you see in front of you. The old women and a guard will be in this room (and a big mirror). Open the other door and here is the safe location. Kill the guard and exit. 3. Guards Quarters The easiest way to go to guards quarters is taking the elevator in ... Далее >>