Kevlar Vest [UZI]
Enter the sanitarium. Talk with the guard. Before you go to Dr. Kovac's office upstairs, open the double doors in front of you. You are in an office now. Go upstairs and walk until you see a door. Enter the lab. There are two guns but pick up only UZI. Exit from where you are. Go to the second floor and pass through operating theatre. Enter the double doors right in front of you. Dr. Kovac's office is on the right. Before you enter his office, kill a guard and take his clothes. You can also kill a madman with a syringe (go to the bathroom and open the first aid box) and take his clothes. Anyway, enter Dr. Kovac's room. Talk with him. SWAT will arrive and he will run away. Pick up the sanitarium key hanging on the bulletin board. Go back to lobby (down stairs). Open the double doors between staircases. There is a fountain in the middle. Turn right and open the double doors again. Walk forwards and open one of the doors. Dr. Kovac's is in this room. Kill him (you don't actually have to kill him to finish the level). Now go to the TV-room (second floor). Talk with the guy sitting on the chair (seem familiar?). He needs antidote. You can find lots of antidote in the caged area in the same room. He will help you to get to the next mission.
Meet Your Brother Weapons used: Whatever is left from the previous mission
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