Level TenVOLCANO - Level 10C - Get the RuneBlade
The Lava Rune\The Runeblade
Once Arokh joins you, get on his back. When you do so, a dragon will
appear and hover nearby. You most likely can kill him without him
ever attacking, if you don't fly towards him first. Fly Southish,
down the cavern passage - just follow the lava river - till you
reach what looks like a dead end. Look down and you'll notice a deep
pit. Dive into the pit. About half way down is a small cave, where a
dragon hides, and at the bottom of the pit is a 2nd dragon.
From the bottom of the pit, fly Westish, following the lava river
again, till you notice a doorway on your left side. This is where
the Runeblade room is located, but you can't do anything until you
have the Lava Rune first, so ignore the doorway and keep flying past
the doorway, towards the right, up and over the lava. You'll find a
short tunnel - as you fly through a dragon or two will attack so be
cautious. Once they're dead, follow the tunnel until you come to a
large doorway with bluish grey fog beyond it. As you near, a couple
more dragons will emerge from the fog and attack.
You are now in a large open area full of mistly, swirling fog. From
the entrance, fly straight ahead and upwards to find a ledge in the
cliffside high above. Land there and have Rynn approach the doorway.
The doorway looks blocked by spikes but Rynn can squeeze through
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