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Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Drakan Order of the Flame
Тип документа : Help Всего страниц : 27 Текущая : 6

The Spiral Room

You now have 2 choices of direction, around a corner to the left and
straight ahead. The short left path leads to a locked door, so run
straight ahead through the open door, instead. Follow the passageway
till it ends at the entrance to a large cavern, which has a (15)
large spiral rock formation in the middle.
As soon as you stick your nose through the entrance, a Succubi will
attack from the air. She most likely will never land, so you must
use your bow to get rid of her. If you look ahead you'll notice a
Flame Knight standing on a ledge, level with yours. Since you have
your bow out anyway, pepper him with arrows until he falls.
Run/jump to the spiral rock and walk up to the very top. Notice how
it ends in a point? If you look down, you'll see another ledge. Back
up a ways (don't fall off!) and take a running jump *off that point*
to land on the ledge below. This is a tricky jump, since if you
don't initiate your jump at just the right moment, you won't make
the leap and you'll plummet to your death. Even if you make it,
you'll probably take some minor damage when you land.

Once on the ledge, turn left and you'll find a skeleton who's
hoarding a potion of life and (2) the Sword of Resentment. Turn
around and go back to the spot you landed on, and run/jump back to
the spiral rock. Again, you'll likely take some damage when you
Follow the spiraling path around downwards till you reach the
ground. A Flame Knight in front of you, standing by some crates,
will attack. Kill him and pick up the (3) Magic Arrows and Heavy Bow
by the crates, if you need them. On the West side of the cavern
... Далее >>

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