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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Drakan Order of the Flame
Тип документа : Help Всего страниц : 27 Текущая : 4

open it and grab the (5) Energy Bow off the pedastal. Leave the tiny
room and turn left back towards those stone ruins. Swim across the
short distance to the next island where you'll emerge facing a stone
wall. A Goblin or two will be behind the wall - kill them then
follow the sand path near the waters edge. Turn to the left into a
wide open sandy area which leads into a open roof cavern with crates
piled on both sides. Just beyond those crates stand 2 Giants, and
there are Goblins lining the roof opening above.
If you lure the Giants to the crates by the wall and stand behind
them, they won't be able to reach you. I've played games where the
Goblins above killed the Giants for me, with their explosive arrows.
At any rate, kill the Giants and run into the area where they were,
turn left and follow the cavern path a little ways. At the end is a
open grass area. A lightning tower is to your left, and ahead of you
is a (6) War Giant. Kill him however you can and proceed on South.

You'll pass another lightning tower, and a couple more Goblins on a
ledge to your right. Kill them for a health elixer. Follow the
ledge/path to the South some more and you'll find the entrance to
the (7) Succubi Lair. Enter to find a chamber with crates within. To
the right of the chamber is a passage way. When you enter you'll
hear some moaning - ignore it, it's just cool sound effects. The
walls of this passage have pulsating knobby things upon
them...ignore them also. Keep going down the passage for a little
ways, and soon the loading level bar will appear and you'll be on
your way to Level 9....

... Далее >>

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