from your inventory. Off he goes. Return back along the main alley. Go back to the apartment complex courtyard and into the astrologer's shop. The telephone will ring, thanks to your young friend, and Maitreyi will go off to answer it. Take that scrap of paper, a CUSTOMER BILL, off the desk. Leave the shop. RAT TRAPPING IN NEW DELHI Note: It is not imperative that you catch a rat here to quite successfully complete the game. However, you will see a bit of a different ending if you have caught the rat, as opposed to having no rat. :) After you leave the shop of the astrologer go back down the alley to where the boy is waiting. Get the close up view of the mattress. Look right toward a rusty barrel at the end of the mattress. Scan up the wall to the right of a small knot hole where a stream of sunlight is shining in. Look for the hand cursor and pick up the STICK on the ledge. Go back out of the area and proceed straight forward to where the rat hangs out. No doubt you are familiar with that area by now! Go one click into the alley, before you reach the door on the right, and look down. You will see an action icon on the ground. In inventory: 1. Combine the stick with the rope 2. Combine the stick and the rope with the cheese 3. Combine the stick, the rope, and the cheese with your box. Set the box trap combination down and you will have your RAT in a cutscene! Turn completely around and leave the alley. Turn right at the T and go on down, past the old beggar, to the end of the alley where the rickshaw driver is still concentrating on his cigarette count ... Далее >>