elephant ride! Head for that darkened section of the wall straight ahead of you. In a cutscene, the elephant will collapse the section of wall and you are free. Chapter 4: On Being Penniless and Dumped in an Alley After another cutscene, you awake from the dream sequence in a dark alley with only the young boy for company. Your wallet is gone. Consider yourself lucky to be alive and go over to talk to the boy again. Ask him everything. That being finished, you know you need money to get anything at all accomplished. Turn left and go to the mattress. Pick up the BOX behind the mattress. Turn completely around and go forward past the boy, who should be on your left. At the corner, turn right and go three clicks forward. (You may see a seemingly friendly rat here; ignore him for now.) Turn right and go into the dead end alley. Pick up a BUSINESS CARD and a NECKLACE by scanning around and down amidst the debris at the end of the alley. Return out of the dead end and turn left. Go forward twice. Turn right to view the main alley area and that treacherous old beggar, who got you into this mess, got you knocked out and your wallet stolen. He's drunk again, probably at your expense. Go one step forward and turn right to click on the snoring old beggar. Yikes! he's actually got your wallet! We'll be back later to take care of that important detail. Turn completely around and pick up the BROKEN BOTTLE to the left of a bench. Turn right and go one click forward down the street. Turn right and enter the courtyard of a dilapidated apartment complex. Go to the far left corner door around the perimeter sidewalk, to #1D. Enter the shop. You have found Maitreyi, the Astrologer. It was her business card you picked up in the alley, remember? ... Далее >>