to your own devices. Use the hand cursor to get some GRASS out of the planter on your left at the house's entry. Turn around, cross the street, look down and pick up the STICK. Turn right and go forward to the intersection. Go directly across the intersection, twice forward, to see a young boy standing in the shadows. Go over and speak to him. He needs some charity. Ask him if he has change for one American dollar. He gives you the equivalent in rupees. Ask the boy all conversation options as they appear. When you ask him "Where's the nearest bank machine?", he'll tell you it's at the end of the street. Turn left and go forward three times to encounter one immense example of India's famous sacred cattle lounging comfortably in the middle of the street. Give the grass from Anusha's mother's house to the bovine. The animal will eventually move aside. Go one more click forward and turn right to see an old man begging. Go down the alley and pick up a CLOTHES HANGER. Come back to the front of the alley and turn to speak with the old man. Ask him everything. He tells you not to trust the young boy. Don't believe him. Turn back to your right. Go three clicks forward, turn right again and cross the street, toward a shop with a red banner above it. Click on the magazine in the display window. Click on the picture of the black sedan. Exit the close up and click on the door. The action cursor will appear and Fred will remark that the door is latched from the inside. Use the clothes hangar on the door, but you still can't get it open. Exit the close up and go back across the street to talk to the boy. He's still right where you left him. Ask him everthing! He'll tell you not to trust the old beggar. He'll get the magazine from the shop window for you if you give him some ... Далее >>