cutters to cut the red and green protruding wires and disable the system. Success! The light will turn green on the front panel. Leave your box behind this time. You won't be needing it anymore. Turn left and go forward. Make another left and go up into the gazebo. Scan around under the bench until you find a HAMMER. Pick it up. Leave the gazebo and walk forward down the left wall of the house to the garage. Use the close up cursor to peer inside. Aha! Darmesh's slick black sedan. Turn right. Go one click up the walk toward the house. Turn left and go forward once. Turn right to find a window where an action cursor appears. Note the green light on the small security panel bottom right of the window. If the light is not green, you need to check that security control box on the front porch again. If the light is green, open the window. You don't need tools for this job. Climb inside to the dining room. Walk around the table and down the far wall to the door. Turn right, open the door and enter the foyer. Cross the foyer and enter the first door on the left at the end of the mirrored sideboard. You are in Darmesh's private den. Cozy isn't it? Go into the room at right through the arch. Look down-right and take the book from the seat of the arm chair. Click on your notes in inventory to access the book and learn just a little more about the Thugs and Kali. Reenter the other room and walk down to the lighted lamp on the small table in front of the bay windows. Use your close up cursor to pick up the carved wooden box. Notice the symbols? Where have you see that before? THE CARVED WOODEN BOX PUZZLE Use the directional arrows to manipulate the box and to open all NINE of the sliding panels to successfully unlock the box. The easiest way is to use one directional arrow at a time. Use ... Далее >>