
Ой!Так, так, что у нас тут новенького?Ляляля ляляля ..
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Игра: Alien Legacy (TM)
Тип документа : Help Всего страниц : 27 Текущая : 16

When your advisor suggests this, it seems
like a good idea--of course, when they say
that it might be harmful to your own
people, they're right. The plague is
effective for a little while, then it
starts killing your own people--now you
need to research a cure.

THIS JUST IN! If you only set off two of
the three Antigen Inhibitor bombs, the
biota disappear but your people will not
get the plague! This seems to be the best

Any of the first three solutions above
works fairly well, provided you have
researched the necessary technologies--
especially the Inverse Fusion Reactor
(although someone maintains that you find
the IFR on Gamma1--I don't remember). Do absolutely nothing
Your advisors will tell you that you can't
start any new colonies on Gaea or Rhea
until the biota are calmed, but they're
wrong. You need to send over some vehicles
with enough supplies to build a few
habitats. Then send over some humans, then
quickly build a force shield. Now you're
... Далее >>

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