- A Basic WalkThru - by Mary McBride
Note: This walk-thru is written from my notes, after playing the game
just one time thru. I did *not* play it again to de-bug walk-thru (so I
may have missed a detail) or to see if a more efficient approach were
possible, i.e., if more could be done at a location at one time. This
walk-thru reflects the way I played the game and the way I made
discoveries, as I played.
After talking to editor, leave office and (map screen) go to Carib
Island. Talk to painter and get cup. Go Right to museum. Try to use cup
with fountain, tap can't be used without knob.
Enter museum. In Gallery, notice the Pirates wall hangings and the
compass set on East (with message about South wind). Go up stair's to
gunnery. Notice cloth in wall and the shield on wall that seems like it
should turn. Go thru alcove to library. Open window (see car below) look
at ancient book and read letter in it. Return to painter and ask about
Go to Beach: See flat rock in lower left of screen, with crack in it and
crab crawling around. Open bungalow door and examine jacket (piece of
cloth missing). Take the dirty mug and Mexican corn. Read Prof's
note....about ancient tomb and church.
Return to museum. Use corn with fountain tap. Use cup with fountain.
Take clear water to Painter (she "owes you one."). Take dirty pot back.
Go to boat pier: Talk to sailor (learn about brother Tobias and his hunt
for pirate's treasure). Get professor's magnet. Return to museum. and go
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