Return to Caius. Upon talking with him you will be promoted to Journeyman of the Blades. You will also get 200 gold.
3.5 Ashlander Informant -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Caius will tell you that you are in need of an Ashlander Informant, and someone by the name of Hassour Zainsubani fits the bill. Caius tells you that Hassour likes gifts, so Caius gives you 100 gold to get him a little something. Take the Silt Strider to Ald-Ruhn. Hassour Zainsubani is in the Ald Kkar Inn. The inn is in the northwest corner of the city next to the Council Club. To find Hassour, go up the stairs to the bar, on the right side of the bar is a staircase down. Go downstairs and Hassour is in the back of the room.
Talk to Hassour about business. Ask about "Gift giving customs" (the other two options will offend him and lower your Rep), next ask about a "thoughtful gift" and he will take your earnest thought and effort as an acceptable gift. Ask about the "Ashlanders", and he will give you some notes to take back to Caius.
Return to Caius and show him the notes. You will be promoted to Blades Finder, and told what was in the package that you delivered to Caius. He says that the Emperor feels that you might be the one to fulfill the Nerevarine prophecies. He will give you a decoded copy of the package ... Далее >>