with a plank bridge connecting it to the mainland. Ilunibi is a little island on the north side of Gnaar Mok.
Once inside Ilunibi, walk straight ahead until the fork in the road, turn left and go through the door into Tainted Marrow. Continue straight past the crossroads until you reach the door into Marowak's Spine. Walk to the crossroad and turn right and go through the door into Blackened Heart. Follow the cavern and turn Left at the crossroad, and left again at the next crossroad, continue straight until you reach a door to Souls Rattle. Go through the door and continue to the second set of crossroads, and Dagoth Gares will come out to meet you. After you kill him, you will get corprus (there is nothing you can do about this, it will happen no matter what). Loot his body. Now that you have killed Dagoth, you are finished here. Return to Balmora.
Once you talk with Caius, you will be promoted to Blades Traveler.
3.8 Corprus Cure -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Caius tells you that he has a lead on a Corprus cure. Divayth Fyr, an ancient Telvanni wizard, runs a Corprusarium. Caius will give you a Dwemer Artifact, 1000 gold, and a few levitation potions before he sends you on your way.
To get to Tel Fyr, go to the Balmora Mage Guild and use the Guild Guide to travel to Sadrith Mora (actually Wolverine Hall), walk outside of the building, swim southwest until you see a large tower. You will ... Далее >>