After finishing your character, Socuelus Ergalla in the Census and Excise Office in Seyda Neen will ask you to deliver a package to a man named Caius Cosades in a town named Balmora.
Go to the Silt Strider (the giant tick) and pay the operator to take you to Balmora. Caius is located in a house in the northeast corner of town on the east side of the river that divides the town.
Upon delivering the package, Caius will induct you into the Blades and give you 200 gold to equip yourself before giving you your orders.
3.2 Dwemer Puzzle Box -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
After getting equipped, return to Caius and ask about your "orders". Caius will mention that he needs information from a man named Hasphat Antabolis in the Balmora Fighters Guild. Caius will also mention that you will most likely need to do a favor for Hasphat before he will tell you anything. Before you go, Caius will give you access to any books in his house.
To get to the Fighters Guild, cross the northernmost bridge to the west side of town, go up the first flight of stairs and turn south before you get to the second flight. The Fighters Guild is on the left, and Hasphat is downstairs in the lower level. Once you speak with Hasphat you will find out that he will be happy to give up the information.... For a price. He requests you to retrieve a Dwemer Puzzle Box from a ruin named Arkngthand. ... Далее >>