of the Fighters Guild. Sharn Gra-Muzgob is the Orc Wizard downstairs and to the left in the lower level of the Mage Guild
Sharn will ask you to retrieve the skull of Llewle Andrano from the Andrano Ancestral Tomb. If you ask about the tomb, Sharn will give you a Fireblade, 2 scrolls of Taldam's Scorcher, and 2 scrolls of Vitality.
The tomb is south of Pelagiad, just off the road, just before you reach the fork in the road that goes southwest towards Seyda Neen and southeast to Vivec.
To find the skull, go down the stairs, then follow the hallway on the left until you come to a room with 2 skeletons. There is a door in the hallway on the other side of the room. Go through the door and follow the hallway down. The skull is in a room on the right side behind the door. Grab the skull and return to Sharn in Balmora. Give him the skull and ask about "Nerevarine" and Sharn will give you some notes to take back to Caius.
Upon returning the notes to Caius you will be promoted to Blades Apprentice and you will be given a few scrolls.
3.4 Vivec Interviews -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sleep on night, and you will have a strange dream. Go back and talk with Caius and get your next orders. There are 3 more people that he wants you to interview. ... Далее >>