old woman. squeeze any moss you find
(improves dexterity). then you can
climb the stacks. "LOOK AT AMULET
THROUGH BOTTLE". if you have the
transport scroll and used it BEFORE
you entered the cellar, you can
escape that way. or wear the amulet
and say the word on the amulet. bash
the cellar door in with extra power.
once out, "roll the onion east". be
sure to take the rug.
Lighthouse/Cliffs read the inscription.
type "answer, lightning".
Be sure to have the onion, rug and
dagger from Pub/Kitchen. If you haven't
done this, go NW and take the salt
from the brine. Roll the onion in
the direction you want to go. put salt
on the slug. rub the rug and touch the
dust bunny. take/wear the ring. at the
top, search debris, THEN read the
chest. cut the onion with dagger when
the dorn beast attacks, then take
chest and run like h***. (Maybe this is
where I missed level 9. try using the
annihalation stick to destroy it).
Arcadia wait for the monkey grinder. wait
until the grinder deals with the
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