jewel. oops, you drop it and are
dumped in the idol. if you have the
lantern, light it. squeeze the moss
(it can't hurt). either use the gating
or transportation spells, or point
the Eversion stick at idol to get out.
Now that you're free, point Eversion
at mother to get jewel, THEN point
levitation at baby (to gain more
compassion). the jewel is worth 1000
zorkmids and is needed to buy the
hourglass (see Ruins).
Village erase the footprints of the minx.
you definitely need the minx!
enter the church and sit down. look
under the pew. be sure you have the
caterpillar (see Plains) so you can
get by the christmas tree monsters.
open the reliquary after you defeat
the tree monsters. take white hemi-
sphere. "put peg in hole" (examine
black & white hemispheres).
Mountaintop open mailbox.read leaflet.open parcel.
in cottage, search table and take the
black hemisphere. READ THE BOOK.
you'll need something powerfull to get
past the snow wight (annihalation or
the equivalent). point the dispel
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